Thursday 23 February 2012

Inception opening sequence.

The opening titles of inception start off slow paced and build up during the 2 minute sequence until the ending where the name of the film flashes up on the screen. The music begins with slow violin tones and builds up to a fast paced violin rhythm. It gets louder and louder and more dramatic until the end of the opening. There are dramatic graphics and imagery that go with the titles aswell and it zooms into the picture and then it turns into the next name in the opening tiles. Both of these techniques are commonly found in thriller films making inception conform to its genre.
The opening is an animation so the lighting is not a serious factor but the backgrounds are mostly dark and black setting very serious and dark tones for the rest of the film.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Fireworks- making a logo.

We used the program fireworks on the macs to create logos for our production companies. Fireworks is easier to use and much more user friendly than photo shop so that was why we used it. I made a test logo called 'Star Entertainment'. These picture show each stage i went through to make my logo.

I used the shape tool to create a star shape, I then filled it in with the fill tool I made it yellow and added text with the text tool and then using the options at the bottom i changed the size and font.

I took a picture off Google images, saved it to my area and then imported it to fireworks, re-arranged the order of images so the fire was at the back creating a background for my star.

I changed the colour of my star so it stood out better.

 Then i added a movement affect as a finishing touch.

This my final product.