Thursday 26 April 2012

Plot Synopsis

Our thriller opening sequence will be revolving around the storyline of a ninja, Zhi Kuan, who had lost his brother as an evil boss, General Xiao, had killed him. This will be explained the viewer by a scrolling literature rising from the top, this will also be white writing on black background to make it stand out to the viewers. Our logo, ‘Specialist Pictures’ will also be presented to the viewers.

Throughout our movie, we are going to continuously use the sound motif technique therefore the different production companies will appear in sync with the heavy drums within the soundtrack. This will happen four times and will suddenly jump cut to footage.

The footage that will be initiated first to the viewers will show the camera panning up the ninja’s legs, which creates suspicion and curiosity to the viewers, as they want to find out whom the ninja actually is. The next scene shows Daniel’s back in his ninja outfit with lighting focused on him from the top and then the camera will view Daniel putting on his mask. This shows the viewers that he is prepared for his mission and his training.
The next scenes show Daniel training and his first exercise is him using nun chucks, push ups and shadow boxing. This variety of different training exercises at different angles shows that the ninja is a professional.

After the scenes of Daniel training in his ninja costume, he is found in a different location, which is the graveyard and wearing his suit, which represents his alter ego. This symbolizes his love and grief of his brother in which he goes to visit him. The camera shows Daniel walking up to the grave with a single red rose; multiple angles are used to intrigue the viewer.
The camera then shows Daniel from his neck to feet throwing the rose in respect on the grave, this scene will also is shows the rose in the colour in contrast to the whole opening sequence being in black and white.

The scene is then faded to a black screen showing the actors and also the final title, ‘The shadow’. These will be animated to express the significance it has on the video.

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